Chasing waterfalls

We planned to meet at a waterfall but my gps took me to a dead end road with a creek at the end.Their GPS took them to a dead road on the otherside. No waterfalls that we could find. I hopped in their car. We were going to find this waterfall. We never did. We found that it was on private property, with many many many many ,no trespassing signs. What did we find? A creek? An old bridge, Ashley Laughing, Josh looking cool, Ashley laughing, Josh laughing at Ashley Laughing. Love all around us everywhere. All of us full of gratitude for all the goodness given to us by the one who loves us most. Waterfalls were not seen with our eyes but water pouring into our souls, filling us up , and then pouring out for others to feel. ( ok i just got a little weird but it felt right)

I have known these two crazy kids for sometime now… ( guys when i say crazy i mean like you laugh and smile and have fun and your super cute and you just give me the giggles crazy) what is special about them… listen closely…They pursued this relationship in such a beautiful way. With much respect, purity, wholesomeness, friendship , values, and honor. They talked about having a relationship and what that looked like before they had one. They love Jesus more then anything. I love them and their families and goodness sakes i wish they were getting married tomorrow instead of in MAY!!! Hurry up Spring!!!

elisha whitmore